February 19, 2025

JSSC Lady Supervisor Admit Card 2024, Written Exam Date Notice Soon, Check Paper Pattern and Exam Scheme, Best for you

JSSC Lady Supervisor Admit Card 2024 Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission is launching a recruitment for the post in the category of lady supervisors within various departments of the State Government. The application process for applicants has been completed and a lot of applicants have had applied for the posts. To facilitate this appointment this commission is expected to issue JSSC Lady Supervisor admit card for the examination in the coming weeks.

Commission will be filling 444 vacant positions by JSSC Lady Supervisor Recruitment 2023. Candidats can obtain their calls letters on the official website of the commission at jssc.nic.in. We have provided all the information regarding the exam pattern and admit cards for Jharkhand Lady Supervisory Posts. The candidates are strongly advised to go through these information prior to the exam day.

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jssc.nic.in The Female Supervisor’s Exam Date

Recruitment OrganizationJharkhand Staff Selection Commission
Name of PostLady Supervisor
Total Vacant Seats444
JSSC Exam DateTo be announced
Lady Supervisor Admit CardTo be released
Official Webpagejssc.nic.in

JSSC has announced Lady Supervisor Recruitment by releasing advertisement No. 14/2023. They accepted applications from qualified candidates through the 25th of October, 2023. The commission is ready for an examination called the Jharkhand Lady Supervisor Competitive Examination (JLSCE)-2023 for the selection of candidates who are deserving.

Jharkhand Lady Supervisor Selection Process

The selection of applicants to fill JSSC Female Supervisory Posts will be made through various selection processes. The selection process is solely determined by their performance at the written test. The commission will issue JSSC Lady Supervisor admit cards to those who are qualified for the post they are applying for and will then go through the next recruitment phase.

  • Computer-Based Test
  • Document Verification
  • Merit List

JSSC Supervisor Paper Pattern

  • The commission will conduct an online exam that is computer-based.
  • The exam will consist of 3 different tests.
  • Paper I is only qualifying in the sense that it is 30 percent marks are the minimum marks required on each exam.
  • Only objective type questions of multiple choice will be included on the exam.
  • Each question will be marked with 3 marks.
  • The answer will result in a negative mark of one point for each wrong answer.

Here is the Exam Instructions to follow in JLSCE Recruitment Examination. JLSCE Exam. Examination.

PaperTopicsNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Paper IHindi LanguageEnglish Language12036002 Hours
Paper IISelected Tribal or Local Language Test10030002 Hours
Paper IIITechnical SubjectGeneral StudiesGeneral MathsGeneral Science15045002 Hours & 30 Minutes

JSSC Lady Supervisor Admit Card Details

It is the JSSC Female Supervisor’s Admit Card (FSA) is essential for all candidates to bring with them to the exam venue. The admit card is available through the website’s official site and printed. It is crucial for applicants to ensure that they carry the original ID proof as well as two passport-sized photos from the past and their admission card with them to the examination centre. Before taking the test candidates must check the admit card’s exactness of the information like names, signatures, photo roll number, father’s name, birth date, the time and date that the examination will take place, the address of the exam centre and any other general guidelines.

We have included the direct link to access this Jharkhand Lady Supervisor’s Admit Card for 2024. Candidates can access this link to download their individual summons letters from the official site in the following steps.

  1. Visit the official site for the Commission at jssc.nic.in
  2. From the home page, check out on the homepage for Important Links section.
  3. Choose the option to download your the Admit Card below.
  4. Click the button to download Admit Card for JLSCE-2023..
  5. Enter your username and registration number for logging into your account.
  6. Here is where you are able to download your JSSC female Supervisor admit card.
  7. Don’t forget to take your printout for future use.

Important Links

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