February 17, 2025

RRB ALP Syllabus 2024, Check CBT Paper Pattern and Marking Scheme, Best for you

RRB ALP Syllabus 2024 The Railway Recruitment Board will conduct an examination for the position of Assistant Loco Pilot. The online application began on January 20th through the 19th of February 2024. The annual exam gives applicants an opportunity to get an office in the Central Government of India.

The department plans to fill 5696 positions and thousands of applicants have already completed this online process of applying. Candidates who have applied should be familiar with what is the RRB ALP syllabus as well as the exam format in order to succeed in the test. In order to help applicants gain understanding of the syllabus, we have provided information on how to study and the exam format.

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Exam 2024 of the RRB Advanced Licensing Program Exam 2024

OrganiserRailway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Post NameAssistant Loco Pilots and Technicians
Total vacancies5696
Selection processCBT I, CBT II, CBAT (Only for ALP)
Exam DateTBA
Official websiteindianrailways.gov.in

RRB ALP Examination Pattern

It is the RRB The ALP Examination Pattern for 2024 has two phases, CBT 1 and CBT 2 which are conducted online in an objective format. Additional details about the exam format are provided below:

RRB ALP Exam Pattern for CBT 1.

  • It is for Loco Pilot and technicians, it consists of 75 questions.
  • The questions will be about mathematics, general Intelligence and logic, science in general and general knowledge of the current news.
  • There is negative markings of 1/3 marks.
SubjectsNo. of Ques.MarksDuration
Mathematics202060 minutes
General Intelligence & Reasoning2525
General Science2020
Current Affairs1010

RRB The CBT Exam Model for ALP

  • CBT 2 Exam CBT 2 Examination consists of two sections of Part 1 and Part 2.
  • Candidates will have 120 minutes to take the exam.
  • There will be 175 total questions.
  • 1/3 will be deducted for each wrong answer.
SNo.SectionsNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Part A
1Mathematics10010090 minutes
2General Intelligence & Reasoning
3General Science
4Current Affairs
Part B
Relevant Trade757560 minutes
Total1751752 hours and 30 minutes

RRB ALP Syllabus

The authority will announce the date of the test soon on its official website. Candidates should go through the complete syllabus and create appropriate preparation plans for each phase of the selection procedure.

RRB ALP CBT 1 Syllabus

SubjectRRB ALP CBT 1 Syllabus
MathematicsBODMASDecimalsFractionsLCM & HCMRatio and ProportionPercentagesMensurationProfit and LossTime and WorkSpeed Distance, Time and SpeedSimple and compound interestAlgebraGeometryTrigonometryElementary StatisticsSquare RootAge CalculationsCalendar and ClockPipes and Cisterns,
General SciencePhysicsChemistryBiologyLife ScienceEnvironment
Mental CapacityAnalogiesThe Alphabetical Series and the Number SeriesCoding and decodingMathematical OperationsRelationshipsSyllogismJumblingVenn DiagramData Interpretation and SufficientConclusion and Decision-MakingSimilarities and differencesAnalytical ReasoningClassificationDirectionsStatements, arguments, and assumptions, etc.
General AwarenessNational as well as International EventsHistoryScience and TechnologyPersonalities in NewsBooks and AuthorsGeographyAwards and Honoursand Culture and CulturePolityEconomySports, etc.
Current Situations and Static GKImportant National EventsInternational EventsListe of the Governor GeneralThe List of Presidents, Vice Presidents and Presidents for IndiaDams in IndiaFamous books and AuthorsImportant boundary linesFamous books and AuthorsNational HighwaysNational SymbolsUNESCO World Heritage Sites

RRB ALP CBT 2 Syllabus

SubjectRRB ALP CBT 2 Syllabus
MathematicsSquare RootBODMASTrigonometryDecimalsSpeed, Distance, and TimePipes and CisternsMensurationTime and WorkPercentageElementary StatisticsFractionsSimple and compound interestProfit and LossRatio and ProportionLCM and HCMAlgebraAge CalculationsGeometryCalendar and Clock, for example.
Generative Intelligence, Reasoning and General IntelligenceSyllogismClassificationBlood RelationsAnalogiesSimilarities and DisparitiesAnalytical ReasoningNumber and Alphabetical SeriesCoding and decodingConclusion and Decision-MakingVenn DiagramStatements, Arguments and AssumptionsMathematical OperationsDirections and DistancesThe Interpretation of Data and the Sufficiency and so on.
Basic Science & EngineeringEngineering Drawing (Projection Views, Drawing Instruments Lines, Geometric figures and symbols representation)UnitsMeasurementsIn terms of Mass, Weight and DensityEnergy, Work Power and EnergySpeed and VelocityTemperature and heatBasic ElectricityLevers and simple MachinesOccupation Safety and HealthEnvironment EducationIT Literacy

RRB ALP Trade Syllabus

To learn more about the trade-specific syllabus, candidates can refer to the table below:

Nom of TradeSubject Name
ElectricalElectrical India
Three-Phase Motor Systems
Light and Magnetism
Fundamental Electric System
Single phase motors
Plugs and Switches
Electrical Connections
MechanicalApplied Mechanics
Production Engineering
Energy Conservation
Kinetic Theory
Turbo Machinery
Automation Engineering
Refrigerators and air conditioning
Heat Transfer
They are the Power Plant Turbines and Boilers
IC Engines
Machine Design
Production Technology for Metallurgical Metallurgical Materials
Electronics and CommunicationSatellite
Radio Communication Systems
Electronic Tube
Semi-Conductor Physics
Micro Processor
Networking and Industrial Electronics
Digital Electronics
AutomobileSystem Theory
Technology for Metallurgical Production
Designing Machines
IC Engines
Heat Transfer

Tech Syllabus and the ALP PDF can be downloaded here.

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