February 17, 2025

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 PDF Download, Check Tier 1 And 2 Exam Scheme, Best for you

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 The complete details of the SSC CGL Combined Graduate Level (CGL) examination can be found here. Candidates will be able to comprehend the CGL syllabus for the SSC in depth to pass both Tier1 and Tier2 exams in a straightforward manner. The most significant benefits of understanding the CGL exam syllabus is gaining familiarity with the subjects across disciplines, which aids in determining an effective study plan and allowing the efficient scheduling of time to ensure that all subjects are covered thoroughly SSC CGL Syllabus 2024.

In this article, SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 we will outline our exam Syllabus We explain the exam structure for each tier and provide an online link for PDF download of the Syllabus PDF Download for SSC CGL. Syllabus PDF download.

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 Exam Overview

DepartmentStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
Examination NameCombined Graduate Level (CGL)
The frequency of ExamAnnual (Once in the course of)
Exam TypeTier-1 as well as Tier 2 (Computer-based test)
EligibilityA bachelor’s degree from a reputable university
Official websitessc.gov.in

The Syllabus for CGL SSC Tier 1 and 2

The SSC CGL 2024 curriculum CGL 2024, which covers the Tier II and I examinations as well as the exam structure are the most important elements that comprise CGL 2024, also known as the Combined Graduate Level Examination. The exam, which is administered by the Staff Selection Commission, primarily comprises the following areas SSC CGL Syllabus 2024.

  1. Quantitative Aptitude
  2. Intelligence and Reasoning Intelligence
  3. Current Affairs and General Awareness
  4. English language
  5. Computer and IT Skills (20 Fragen in the 2nd Tier)

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Exam Pattern 2024 for SSC CGL Pattern 2024

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 The process of selection to be used for SSC CGL is split into two phases, referred to as Tier-1 and Tier 2. SSC chooses the candidates to be considered for Tier 2. The selection process is based on the merits of Tier 1. Each phase consists of one paper. But, candidates who are aspiring to the position of Jr. Statistical Officer (JSO) in MSPI must complete the paper 2 in the Tier II exam.

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Pattern

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 It is the SSC CGL Tier 1 Examination structure includes a 60-minute test duration. It has penalties, that allows 0.50 marks are taken off for each incorrect answer. The Tier-1 exam is used as a preliminarily round, and the Tier-2 exam is crucial to establish the final scores. In addition, SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 candidates must be able to pass each part in Paper 1 individually. The table below outlines the entire details of SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam The pattern, subject matter and marking system.

General Intelligence2550
General Awareness2550
Quantitative Aptitude2550
English language2550

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Scheme

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 Significant changes were implemented to the CGL SSC Examination’s scoring system and the allocation of time. The most important aspects of the way in which the list of selections is constructed, the length of the exam, as well as penalties for wrong answers are as below: The selection list is entirely based on the candidate’s performance during the Tier-2 Examination. SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 The first exam lasts two fifteen minutes and takes approximately 2 hours while the second one takes two hours.

In regards to penalties in Tier-2 in the case of the initial paper specifically Sections 1 and 2 and the initial section of Section 3. 1 mark is deducted for every incorrect answer. For the second paper, the penalty will be 0.50 marks for each incorrect answer.

(2 hours and 15 minutes)
I (60 Minutes)The first module is Mathematical capabilitiesModule II Module II reasoning as well as General Intelligence3030Total 6060 30 = 180
II (60 Minutes)Module I – English Language ComprehensionModule II – General Awareness4525
Total = 70
70 times 3 =
III (15 Minutes)Module – I – Computer Knowledge module2020 3 = 60
II (15 Minutes)IIIModule II: Data Entry Speed TestData entry is one of the tasks on a computer
II2 HoursStatistic (Paper I & II as above) for JSO100100 2
= 200

The SSC CGL Basic Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus

  • A Serial Order for Letters
  • Interpreting and Translating
  • Proximity and Orientation
  • Sequence and Precedence
  • Kinship Analysis
  • Deductive Logic
  • Pattern Based Venn Illustration
  • Arrangement Patterns
  • Comparison
  • Sorting (Recognition of numeric sequences and arrangements)
  • Numeric Sequences
  • Omitted Figures
  • Numerical Logic
  • Codes and symbols
  • The Creation of Words and the Orderly Layout of Words
  • Timekeeping Devices
  • Yearly Calendars
  • Blocks, Shapes and Dice Puzzles
  • Premise and Presumption
  • Conclusions from Statements
  • Making and trimming of paper
  • The Visual Comprehension Tasks (Inclusion of Figures or similar images, Sorting Similar Images Matrix of Figures and Constructing shapes)
  • Abstract Reasoning (Sequence and Comparative Reasoning and Sorting)
  • Grids
  • Analysis of Arguments as well as Strategic Planning

SSC CGL General Awareness Syllabus

  • Current News The emphasis lies on how our environmental is interconnected with the needs of society and the significance of current events as well as personal experiences. The book also explores the scientific aspects of these issues, while focusing on the state of affairs in India and the countries that are adjacent to it.
  • History This section covers the early Indus Valley Civilization. It was followed by the rise and spreading of Buddhism and Jainism, Magadha Empire, including the renowned Gupta Dynasty, Mughal Empire along with in the Delhi Sultanate era.
  • Geography The section is comprised of numerous topics, ranging from the vast investigation of the universe and our solar system, to an in-depth analysis of Earth’s physical features that include its mountains and rivers, as well as landmasses, water bodies and the weather conditions that prevail. The section focuses on winds cyclones, climates, as well as the work to study the Geological Survey of India. The focus is mainly given to the ecosystem of India along with its many species of plants and soils.
  • Economics The term “Economy” refers to economic strategies and strategies for India’s Gross Domestic Product and the financial blueprint, the dynamic of supply and demand the fundamental economic concepts and the demographics of India as well as life expectancy patterns and patterns of employment.
  • Polity The following section outlines the development of India’s governance system through its Constitution, and examines the structure that governs the state, Union Territories, and the fundamental principles that guide its democratic system. It also outlines the fundamental rights of citizens as well as the guidelines for government policies, as well as the division of the powers between the legislative, executive and the judicial branches.
  • Science in the natural sciences the fundamental subjects are Physics, Chemistry and biological sciences.

SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus

  • Mathematical Analysis on Natural Numbers, Fractions, Decimal numbers and their interrelations
  • Most Common Divisor, Greatest and Most Common Multiple
  • Roots and Exponents
  • Formulas in Algebra
  • Ratios expressed in Percentages
  • Assessing the effects of Gains and Losses
  • In the calculation of simple interest and compound interest, you must take into account
  • Calculating the Mean
  • Ratios and Proportions
  • Business Joint Ventures
  • Calculations that involve Ages
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency Management
  • Flow Issues Associated with Tanks for Water Tanks
  • Mixtures that are combined and separated
  • Measurement of Speed, Distance and Time
  • Assessments that involve Trains, Watercraft, and River Currents
  • Measurements (Includes Circles, Tangents, Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Polygons, Prisms, Cones, Cylinders, Spheres and Pyramids)
  • The study of Shapes and Graphical Representation of Equations
  • Study of Trigonometry
  • Calculating Distances and Elevations
  • Analyzing data (Including Histograms, Frequency Polygons Bar Charts, Pie Charts)

SSC CGL English Language & Comprehension Syllabus

To evaluate the reading skills of applicants, they will be provided with the minimum of three paragraphs. After that, they will confront questions that are derived from the passage. The first paragraph must be simple, drawn from a narrative or a book The remaining paragraphs include topics from current events, news articles or editorials. Below, we will outline the curriculum specific to English. English section:

  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar (Structural Rules of Language)
  • Composition of Sentences
  • Words that have the same meanings, opposites and their precise use
  • Find the Errors
  • Exercises for Completion
  • Words with the same pronunciation/meaning
  • Contrasts
  • Spelling/determining the incorrect spelling of words
  • Phrases, expressions, and idiomatics
  • Replace Words
  • Enhancing Sentences
  • Vocal Alteration of Verbs
  • Switching spoken words reported as direct to indirect
  • Reordering the Components of Sentences
  • Rearranging Sentences in a Text
  • Fill-in-the-blank Passage
  • Reading Comprehension

SSC Graduate Level Combined Examination Syllabus Pdf Download

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 Candidates who are preparing to take candidates for SSC CGL Examination should be fully familiar with the syllabus. To help, we’ve included the link for the no-cost SSC CGL Syllabus PDF download which allows candidates to refer to it whenever they need to. The goal is to provide an outline about what is included in the CGL syllabus.

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