February 19, 2025
SSC JHT Syllabus 2024

SSC JHT Syllabus 2024: Comprehensive Guide to Paper 1 & 2 Exam Pattern, Best for you

SSC JHT Syllabus 2024 The exam format of the SSC JHT Junior Hindi Translator Senior Hindi Translator Translator Senior Hindi Translator tests is a major test that requires careful preparation. This SSC JHT syllabus contains two sections, i.e., Paper 1 and Paper 2 which focuses upon General English and General Hindi. For a successful application, candidates must possess a solid understanding of both Hindi as well as English and be able to translate between two languages. In addition, a thorough comprehension of the grammar and vocabulary is crucial.

The SSC Junior Hindi Translator Exam Pattern curriculum is available now, as stated through the authority on their official website. Candidates who are planning to sit for this year’s SSC JHT Exam 2024 can download the full syllabus to be used in Exam Paper 1 and 2 here.

Also read:- TNPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2024, PDF Download, Check Previous Year Question Papers, Best for you

SSC Junior Hindi Translator Syllabus

Recruitment AgencyStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
Post NameJunior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, and Senior Hindi Translator
Exam NameSSC JHT Recruitment Examination 2024
Selection ProcessTier 1 + Tier 2 + DV
Mode of Exam:Online
Official Websitessc.gov.in

SSC JHT Paper 1 Exam Scheme

It is the SSC JHT Paper-1 is a CBT-based exam that has questions of a type that are objective and divided into two sections: (i) General English and (ii) General Hindi. This section is designed to test the applicant’s proficiency in the two languages as well as their understanding of literature, proficiency in using phrases, words, and idioms, as well as their proficiency in writing effectively the two languages. Paper 1 has 200 questions that are divided over two parts, which will take 120 minutes. Candidates should be aware of that they will be penalized by 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer.

SSC JHT Paper 2 Exam Pattern

The exam format to be used for SSC JHT Paper II features subjective questions. This section is dedicated to assessing the translator’s abilities and writing abilities. The participants will take on tasks which require them to convert a text to Hindi in to English and the reverse. In addition, they will be required to write an essay in each of the languages that evaluates their ability in writing, translating and comprehending Hindi and English efficiently.

Hindi Language Syllabus for SSC JHT Exam

The syllabus to prepare students for SSC JHT Paper 1 encompasses an extensive section on General Hindi, focusing on vocabulary like antonyms, synonyms, as well as an examination of idioms/Muhavare/Phrases and proverbs. There are also comprehension exercises, and a focus on understanding and acquiring Hindi Vyakaran.

SSC JHT General English Syllabus

The syllabus to prepare for SSC Junior Hindi Translator exam in General English. SSC Junior Hindi Translator exam in General English encompasses various key elements, such as reading comprehension, syntax sentence structure and construction Lexicon, use of definite and indefinite words Verb tenses, tests on spelling correctness comprehension and reading texts that are not seen before in the past, and studying synonyms.

Best Books for SSC Junior Hindi Translator Exam

Candidates may find the following materials useful for preparing to take the SSC JHT test. The recommended books to prepare for general Hindi in the General Hindi section and suggested readings for General English are available for those who want to improve their skills in these areas to pass the SSC JHT test.

SSC JHT Books for General Hindi

  • General Hindi and Concise Grammar by B.K Prasad Singh
  • Manas Hindi Grammar by Subhas Yadav
  • Idioms, Phrases and Proverbs with Hindi meanings written by H.S Bhatia

SSC JHT Books for English Language

English Grammar Book by Wren and Martin

Advanced Grammar in Use: A Self-study Guide and Practice Book for advanced learners of English With answers by Martin Hewings

Competitive General English – Hindi by Think Tank of Kiran Prakashan

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