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UP Police Constable Syllabus 2024 PDF Download, Paper Pattern and Exam Scheme Explained,Best for you

UP Police Constable Syllabus 2024 It is the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) is the body that conducts an exam that is written to choose applicants for constable posts within the UP Police. Here’s an update of the exam for the UP Police Constable syllabus which covers four main aspects: General Hindi, General Knowledge, Numerical & Mental Ability Tests and reasoning.

Knowing what is required for passing this UP Police Constable exam offers applicants a complete guide to their preparation. It aids them in creating a well-organized study schedule in which they can allocate time for each section based on its importance in the exam. So, to assist us further assist you, dive into the subject-specific course of study for Uttar Pradesh Police Constable Exam Model and also provide an easy link to download this syllabus as PDF.

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UPPRB Police Constable Exam Syllabus – Overview

Recruitment AgencyUttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board
Exam NamePolice Constable
Exam TypeMCQ-based objective-type questions
Exam Duration2 hours

UP Police Constable Exam Pattern

Understanding the structure of the exam is vital for anyone who are planning to take an UP Constable examination. This guide gives a thorough outline of the syllabus specific to each subject to prepare for this UP Police Constable test. Candidates are expected to answer 150 questions in various categories like general Awareness, General Hindi, Numerical and Mental Ability as well as Analytical Skills. It’s important to know that the marks are mostly focused on areas like General Awareness, and the Numerical and Mental Ability section. Below are some crucial aspects.

  • The test is comprised of 150 questions.
  • Every one of the questions is worth two marks.
  • The exam has four key areas: General Hindi, General Awareness, Numerical & Mental Ability Test, and Mental Aptitude/Intelligence/Logic.
  • Candidates will have two hours to finish the test.
  • Incorrect answers could result in a loss of 0.5 points per answer.

Uttar Pradesh Constable Exam Structure & Marking Scheme

Knowing the format and marking system that is used in exam UP Police Constable exam assists in planning your study schedule efficiently, ensuring that you cover all the important subjects. Also, download the no-cost UP Police Constable syllabus PDF via the link provided.

SubjectQuestionsMax Marks
General Hindi3774
GK & Current Events3876
Math and Mental Ability Test3876
General Intelligence/Reasoning3774

UP Police Constable GK Syllabus

Learn more about the curriculum to prepare General Knowledge for the Uttar Pradesh Police Constable exam It covers many different aspects. It covers the rich heritage of India’s culture as well as recent global events and the fundamental scientific concepts. It also examines the Indian economic structure, the most significant geographical characteristics, and the political landscape of India. The study of the country’s history, landmarks, events and landmark locations is crucial to the curriculum. Other topics include advances in technology, important events and dates, recognition and accomplishments in different fields, athletic events, literary works that have a profound impact by their authors, famous individuals who have made significant contributions to various fields.

UPPRB Constable Math Syllabus

Review the Maths syllabus to prepare for Examining for the Uttar Pradesh Police Constable exam that covers a variety of areas. It covers subjects like how to use the Number System, handling Proportions and Ratios, and exploring the basics of Simple and Compound Interest Calculations. The simplification of methods, understanding percentages and the complexities of Partnerships are all important elements. Candidates should be proficient with decimals, fractions, as well as calculations relating to loss, profit, and averages. The curriculum also covers the concepts of time, distance as well as work problems. calculation of the Highest Common Factor and the lowest common multiple Discounts, Mensuration, and. In addition, students must be able to handle the arithmetical calculations and other analysis tasks.

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